Zee Issue 2 Kickstarter QR Code

14932 bekeken   |   Ontworpen door: jaredjaggeorge  |   14-08-2014
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Zee Issue 2 Kickstarter QR Code

Zee Issue 2 Kickstarter QR Code description:

"The Adventures of Zee" Issue 2 Zee is back! Fresh off his adventure to find the lost treasure of Bon Scott. Now he is swept into a cult and learns about his origin. Zee issue 2 starts where issue 1 left off. Zee, Donnie, and Arm are with Matt Mitchell at the “Cult of the Rising Mercury” (a cult for the worship of Queen). He finds out there may be more to him than he realizes and is soon in the Laboratory of an unseen but widely talked about doctor only known as “The Doctor”. Meet some new characters and of course follow Zee on an insanely entertaining adventure. Zee has become my passion project and thanks to the Kickstarter for issue 1 I managed to release 2 more comics this year. STRONGBOY, LARP, ZEE#1 and now...ZEE#2!

Gerelateerd: Zee Issue 2 Kickstarter QR Code, dynamic qr code, branded qr code
